I arrived at Helen’s cosy, warm consulting room and settled in a comfy chair. I was a complete mess of anxiety, hands shaking, stomach noisily churning!
I sat, and talked of my anxiety, what was the cause and how I would like to be at the end of my sessions and beyond.
We had 4 sessions, and I was given recordings to listen to and focus on, to relax and secure my way forward in life.
Over the sessions (although they were not like ‘sessions’ but more like talking to a very dear caring friend), my anxiety levels dropped… and dropped, and I was able to look ahead to a future that I, myself wanted, to come out of this dark cloud and into the bright sunshine.
Helen gave me strategies to make myself feel safe and secure from the worries that caused my anxieties.
I was able to move forward out of one chapter of my life and into the next shining chapter of my ‘book of life’.
Helen is a warm, caring, gentle soul. I have complete confidence in her professionalism and I was given the tools to move forward in my life – and I’m still moving forward, thank you Helen!