Testimonials – Hypnosis For Surgery

Hypnotherapy with Helen has been a complete game changer for me. Months of painkillers, medication and doctors treatment hadn’t helped my condition. Experiencing long term chronic pain made me realise there could be an emotional issue behind it. The work I did with Helen brought me enormous relief, both emotionally and physically. Learning how to bring my body into a state of relaxation eased the pain massively from the start. More than that, at my next medical check up, my doctor was happy to report that my healing had been fast tracked. I am so impressed by how powerful it has been and very grateful my pain has disappeared!


The surgery was a success! My dentist said there was plenty of bone to place all 5 implants, no need for another surgery! You don’t know how relieved I am! In a month or so, maybe sooner, I’ll have my temporary prosthesis and be able to taste and chew my food for the first time in years! This has been quite a journey and I’m so glad it’s almost over!

I was given twilight sleep instead of general anesthesia, it only lasted 3 hours instead of 4-5 hours as I originally was told. I had minimal bleeding, some swelling but not too bad and no bruising, so far. 

I can’t tell you how pleased I am at the outcome! I truly believe the hypnosis had a great deal to do with this, working with my subconscious to heal my body! Thank you again for your help and guidance!


Hi Helen

I cannot begin to tell how fabulous life is now! I feel like the biggest weight and tightest shackles have been removed – it’s wonderful.

I arrived at 7am on Wednesday and was told I was first on the list. I went down at 8:30 to wait about five minutes before being taken into theatre, where I was given the spinal block and laid quickly on my side (it kicks in pretty quickly). I told them I’d been using hypnosis along with music and would need minimal sedation and that’s how it went!

I remember being clamped into place, being aware of cutting, sawing, hammering, pushing & stapling but no pain and no anxiety – in fact, I was grinning so much they must have thought I was insane!

I came back as soon as they took my earphone out and said my name and was awake and alert immediately. I spent a lovely half an hour in recovery before being wheeled me back to the ward. This was by 12pm!

The only bad thing was trying to sleep the first night but even that didn’t hold me back. I saw the physio, my surgeon, the ward appointed doctor and X-ray team and managed to be released within 36 hours of arrival – pretty good going for major surgery!

Adding my own use of positive music bolstered the work we had done, but the suggestions during hypnotic state of confidence in the team, ease of surgery and ongoing acceptance / tolerance of the healing pain (and that’s the only pain that’s there!) are what made it such a positive experience.

People seriously need to know about this! I will be shouting about it on any platform I can access next week.

Thank you so much for everything and I can’t tell you how exciting it will be to get back to the pleasure and challenge of your yoga classes.


Helen was my ministering angel in my hour of need. I truly believe with every fibre of my being that the hypnotherapy I received from her was an integral part of my full recovery from brain surgery. In 2020 I was diagnosed with four brain aneurysms, one of which had ruptured. After emergency surgeries and 10 days in the neurological ICU, I was discharged from hospital, deeply grateful to have been treated by an outstanding neurosurgeon and to be alive but also feeling quite psychologically traumatised and dealing with significant back and neck pain due to residual blood in my spinal column.

During one excruciating, sleepless night I called Helen and asked her if she could help me, even though I was in the United States and she was in the UK. I had entrusted other family members and friends to her excellent care but now I was in need and standard therapies were woefully inadequate. I also was facing two additional brain surgeries and wanted to take a holistic approach to preparing for them.

Helen is truly remarkable. She made the time to address my immediate, acute need with a hypnotherapy session which was very powerful and then set up additional sessions with me that were tailored to prepare me for the upcoming procedures. Her deep, focused and personal approach allowed me to work on a profound level with my sub-conscious mind and gave me the strength and belief that this approach would support the success of the surgeries and accelerate my full healing and recovery process. The very nature of brain surgery is pretty daunting on every level and each time the anticipation was quite nerve-racking. Helen provided me with a personalized hynotherapy recording that definitely enabled me to be calm and steady and in an open, positive state of mind.

Today, I am able to count myself among the 5% of people who have not only survived but have no residual cognitive or neurological damage as a result of a ruptured brain aneurysm. There is no question in my mind that Helen’s hypnotherapy treatment was a critical factor.


I was told that I would need a hip replacement. ‘No worries,’ I thought, ‘I’ve already had one done, nothing to it.’ Until it was explained to me that this time it would be a spinal anaesthetic rather than a general, and that I’d be awake throughout. Gulp! That thought did not appeal to me in the slightest – to say that I was incredibly nervous was an understatement. Until I had a conversation with Helen, who said that it was quite a common occurrence these days and that she would be able to help, which she did with the aid of a pre-op hypnosis recording.

The advice was to listen to it as often as I could prior to the operation, which I did and listened again on the morning of the operation. By the time the surgeon came to collect me I was feeling very relaxed both in ‘mind and soul’.

Helen also provided a post-op hypnosis recording, which was as helpful as the pre-op one was, especially when I was feeling uncomfortable and had difficulty sleeping.

Without the help from Helen and those wonderful recordings, I think my surgery and recovery would have been far more traumatic. In fact, it was noticeably easier than the first time round!

I already knew more or less what to expect from my surgery, but if this had been a new experience for me I can see how having a personalised recording specific to my needs would have been even more helpful. I would definitely recommend talking to Helen if you are having surgery in the near future.


I went to see Helen as I was worried about having a wisdom tooth removed, due to a previous difficult experience. I found Helen extremely easy to work with and she immediately put me at ease. I have to admit that I was slightly sceptical about hypnotherapy beforehand but the experience was wonderful! My dental surgery proved to be as complicated as the last time but I was able to use hypnotherapy to get me through in a completely calm way. The dentist was amazed at how calm I was considering how difficult the extraction was. I would definitely go back and see Helen and I highly recommend her as a therapist.


I had a hypnotherapy session with Helen to prepare me for hand surgery and for my recovery afterwards. I loved her calm, friendly approach. The personalised recordings (for pre- and post-op) were also very helpful. Definitely recommended!


Highly recommend Helen, she changed my life. I could not have fought my cancer without [the hypnotherapy work] we did together before my diagnosis. She is truly amazing.
