Hi Helen

I cannot begin to tell how fabulous life is now! I feel like the biggest weight and tightest shackles have been removed – it’s wonderful.

I arrived at 7am on Wednesday and was told I was first on the list. I went down at 8:30 to wait about five minutes before being taken into theatre, where I was given the spinal block and laid quickly on my side (it kicks in pretty quickly). I told them I’d been using hypnosis along with music and would need minimal sedation and that’s how it went!

I remember being clamped into place, being aware of cutting, sawing, hammering, pushing & stapling but no pain and no anxiety – in fact, I was grinning so much they must have thought I was insane!

I came back as soon as they took my earphone out and said my name and was awake and alert immediately. I spent a lovely half an hour in recovery before being wheeled me back to the ward. This was by 12pm!

The only bad thing was trying to sleep the first night but even that didn’t hold me back. I saw the physio, my surgeon, the ward appointed doctor and X-ray team and managed to be released within 36 hours of arrival – pretty good going for major surgery!

Adding my own use of positive music bolstered the work we had done, but the suggestions during hypnotic state of confidence in the team, ease of surgery and ongoing acceptance / tolerance of the healing pain (and that’s the only pain that’s there!) are what made it such a positive experience.

People seriously need to know about this! I will be shouting about it on any platform I can access next week.

Thank you so much for everything and I can’t tell you how exciting it will be to get back to the pleasure and challenge of your yoga classes.